Women are kicking ass in the travel blogging world. There’s no doubt about this. In honour of International Women’s Day we are presenting you with – 2017’s Most Amazing 17 Female Travel Bloggers.
The women listed below are all fantastic influencers and are great to connect with on those all important social medias- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. To make it on this most illustrious list the women are generally nice lady travellers with a decent side serve of sass. Just the way I like it! You’ll find that the lady bloggers listed are honest and transparent in their writings and actions. Nearly all of the female travellers we’ve meet along the road in the past 12 months.
There is no way to buy yourself into this list. This isn’t a list in which we have asked people to nominate themselves. No these are ladies that are amazing on their own merits! This isn’t a “sexiest” list. We’re not here to objectify these women based on theri age or perceived sexuality.
Each of the women listed below is an incredibly sexy. sassy, kick ass travel blogger in her own right.
Sara McCleary, Belly Rumbles
A Sydney-based food and travel blog. From humble beginnings as an online diary, Belly Rumbles has continued to grow and evolve into one of Sydney’s most consistent and well known single-voice food and travel blogs. Sara’s blog takes you on a culinary adventure.

Anje, Going Somewhere Slowly
Travel Addict, Coffee Junkie, Word Enthusiast, Bicycle Nut, Globetrotter, Solo Traveller and South African. Anje has had an amazing 2016 taking her blog and general sassy writing style to the next level. This is Anje’s second year on the list cause she’s that kick ass cool. If you’re not following her then it’s time to stop, drop and get over to her blog.

Brittany K, The Sweet Wanderlust
Travel and desserts. This is a match made in sugar filled heaven. Brittany is uber cute in her writing and photos. The Sweet Wanderlust chronicles her journey as she searches for the world’s best desserts and greatest adventures.

Tara P, Where Is Tara?
A hobbit raised by leprechauns who’s addicted to ice coffee. Tara is certainly my kinda woman. She’s also a wonderfully kind, generous and knowledgeable traveller and can legally sell you drugs.
Tara talks all things travel – covering luxury, road trips, health, food and general fun times.

Jayne, Girl Tweets World
Jayne has such a delightful subtle Brittishness about her blog. Even though she’s living in Sydney she hasn’t quite given up her Brittishness. She’s beautiful in both person and on her blog. One of the friendliest ladies I’ve been fortunate enough to have met on Twitter and connected with at TBEX. She’s openly candid about making her life work as a freelancer and provides brilliant guidance for those wishing to step away from the 9-5 corporate life and embrace the coffee infused freelance life style.

Amanda K, Not A Ballerina
Traveller, mother of a one and a social media consultant on the side. Amanda is all about thinking in depth about the places we visit and the reasons as to why we visit. Over the past 12 months Amanda has been hosting a wonderful podcast, that I’ve been on, The Thoughtful Traveller.

Sharon, Where’s Sharon
Sharon present family travel in a fun, economical and user friendly way. If anyone ever claims that once you have children your travel lifestyle is over I happily send them over to Where’s Sharon for a dose of level headed reality.

Paula, Contented Traveller
Paula is like a breath of fresh air, that comes off a hot fast paced hurricane. She’s utterly delightful, enthusiastic and nothing at all like what one would expect from a grey nomad. Because she’s as far from a grey nomad as you can get. Joined by the lovely Gordon, Paula writes about an array of travel topic. She’s a seriously nice person.

Steph G, Every Steph
Steph is a coffee- addicted Italian wanderer showing you how to travel the world in a responsible (and fashionable!) way. She has some amazing photos and is super helpful to those of us wanting to up our Insta-game.

Mel G, A Broken Backpack
Mel is a French Canadian who challenges herself not only by travelling the world on a teeny tiny budget but also with blogging in English. You’ll find her flouncing around the world, making new friends and taking her iconic GoPro selfies. Normally I wouldn’t mention someone’s personal camera choice but when you hear how many cows Mel milked in Australia to get that GoProp, well all I can say is – respect!

Tammilee, Tammilee Tips
Tammilee is an utter delight. Honest abou the world she runs around in and accepting then tackling her fears. Like that one time we went in an underground river and saw snakes…
She and her husband John really do live their lives as per her motto – Travel.Food.Life
You’ll find her cruising around, speaking at conferences and generally doing all things that a successful woman does. As you do.
Sheila D, The Opportunist Traveller (podcast)
The first time I met Sheila was at a VIP event in Manila. From the first moment I met her and we laughed over her being a Sheila in Australia I knew that this was a wonderful woman I needed in my life. Sheila is a fantastic photographer with her little lego lady. More fascinating and fun though is the podcast, This One Time, that she allows her husband Evo to be apart of. Ok maybe I made that bit up. These two are a dynamic duo.
Alex, Story of My World
Alex is a huge ball of European energy. Bouncing around the globe being hilarious and also taking the time to create Story of My World. Story of my World is an online travel magazine. It’s written not by journalists, writers or travel companies, but by travelers who share their world with other travelers.

Taylor, Taylor’s Tracks
Taylor is hilariously fun on Snapchat. A Canadian with a curiosity for cultures, a bad ear for languages, and taste buds that love sweet over spicy. She’s currently learning and sharing all of her embarrassing mistakes and how to avoid them so we don’t make the same ones.

Vicki, Make Time To See The World
Vicki is a UK law graduate who’s currently based in Melbourne. Her blog covers a whole plethora of areas – resources for bloggers, location guides, round ups. It’s a one stop shop for your travel info needs.

Sarah, Fit Travels
Ok so don’t shoot me. Fitness isn’t just something that you desperately try to get before you go travelling. Sarah shows us how to keep fit on the road, as well as prior to your big or little adventure.
If you need some fitspiration check out her insta account.

Gemma, Two Scots Abroad
As the name suggest Gemma is one half of Two Scots Abroad. You’ll find their website oozing with generous and useful advise and a very Scottish flair. Gemma is the only lady this year to make the list who I haven’t met in real life as yet. I love reading her travel tales and the extremely helpful guides.

And we’re done. So there it is for another year. A list of wonderful woman that you really should be checking out right about now. I do just want to say that this list in no way is a comprehensive list. It’s merely a peek into the travel community and a small recognition of some wonderful women doing some wonderful work. There are so many more ladies out there who are rocking this globe. However I did have to stop at 17 as well it’s a 2017 list. Symmetry my friends.Symmetry.
Do you feel as if I’ve left anyone off this list? Let me know in the comments below.

Founder, Principal Blogger & Coffee Drinker
Coffee Lover | Travel Blogger | Horse Rider | Adventure Racer | Donut Dame. Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.
Great list, right back at you for being amazing.
I am very happy – What a wonderful post!! and the way you write it’s mind-blowing.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your best list and very helpful for everybody. I love the way you tell the truth on how easy it is to road trip.
Thanks for an inspiring list. I still feel like a newbie and learn lots from yours and others’ great blogs. Thanks.