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Welcome to March! the one month where it is seemingly acceptable to praise other amazing, wonderful, intelligent women and not be accused of being a man hating feminist. This month’s TravelMassive theme is #WomenInTravel so it does seem entirely appropriate to list 2016’s most amazing 16 female bloggers.

The women listed below are all fantastic influencers and are great to connect with on those all important social medias- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. To make it on this most illustrious list the women are generally nice lady travellers with a decent side serve of sass. Just the way I like it! You’ll find that the lady bloggers listed are honest and transparent in their writings. A quality which we value highly here at Traveling Honeybird.


1- Anje, Going Somewhere Slowly.

Travel Addict, Coffee Junkie, Word Enthusiast, Bicycle Nut, Globetrotter, Solo Traveller and South African.

Anje and I meet many many moons ago on Twitter. Possibly on a TTOT chat? Neither of us can remember or mind not being able to remember. We’re ok with that because we share a mutual love of coffee, bikes, travel and biltong. Despite living half way across the world from one another we’ve kept up an amazing friendship and had a delicious date at TBEX in Bangkok last year. We swapped goodies from our home countries and generally hung out. My love of Anje and her blog, Going Somewhere Slowly, is her honesty and creative quotes.




2- Richelle, Adventures Around Asia.

Another amazing lady that I was lucky enough to meet and hang out with at TBEX Bangkok. An American lady originally from Seattle she’s now based in China doing her teaching thing. A coffee addict and a lover of all the spicy foods. She has a amazing eye for natural beauty and getting stunning scenic photos. You’ll find some great travel tales on he adventures around Asia and especially in China and Tibet. If you’re looking for an awesome women who’s not afraid to adventure in China than Richelle is the lady for you!

Richelle, Adventures Around Asia

Richelle, Adventures Around Asia


3-Rachel, Hippe in Heels

Rachelle is an American who left a career in nursing to live on the beaches of Goa over two years ago. She’s one part dirty hippie, one part girlie girl. The blog focuses on off beat places & “glamorous travel”.  I’m a huge fan of her “This is India” posts. Every Friday she’s whips up a fun post of something true and hilarious that happens in India.

Rachelle, Hippe in Heels

Rachelle, Hippe in Heels


4- Anna, Global Gallivanting

Another TBEX lady friend Anna has on offer a really unique blog packed full of great posts on working in Australia.  Originally from the sleepy town of Suffolk she’s currently based in India.  She takes things slow and steady and likes to deep dive into the culture of wherever she is. Anna is an avid writer so grab a beverage, sit down and get settled in for a good marathon reading session.

If you’re looking for an in-depth guide to getting the most out of your Australian working Visa than Anna is the lady to go see!

Anna, Global Gallivanting

Anna, Global Gallivanting


5- Andrea, Wandering iPhone

Andrea is in the terrific TBEX category. Whilst hanging out with the South Africans I was introduced to Andrea, who’s an honorary South African. Why you may ask. For her fabulous work with The Heart of a Woman Project (THOAW). THOAW project is a small grassroots initiative that partners with non-profit organizations to provide education in mobile photography, technology, and social media to women and mothers impacted by poverty.

It aims to empower women to have a voice, a creative outlet, and sustainable income through the sales of photographic art products.

Andrew is the director, principle photographer and mobile photography educator. It is her passion project and she’s fast working towards making it a non-profit organization. Not to mention that she’s a professional photographer, producing some stunning photos on her Instagram account.

Andrea, Wandering iPhone

Andrea, Wandering iPhone


6- Hayley,  Love Puffin

In 2015 Hayley quit her dream job to live the life of travel and is doing a fantastic job of it. Her self claimed style is ‘Adventure for the Unadventurous’. It’s about pushing yourself beyond your normal, losing the fear and travelling with just a bit more adventure. But not too adventurous. You’ll find witty commentary and some pretty amusing photos on the blog.

Hayley, Love Puffin

Hayley, Love Puffin


7- Ashley, Ashley Abroad

Baguette-lover, bookworm and mountain lover. What’s not to love about Ashley? After moving to France and living an as au pair she’s since traveled around the world and has recently based herself in the stunning mountain state of Colorado, spending her free time skiing, hiking and planning my next international adventure. Perfection! Her blog combines so many things that I love- books, mountains, skiing and not being a full time traveller.

Ashley Abroad

Ashley Abroad

8- Nicole- Bitten by the Travel Bug

A fellow Australian travelling lady Nicole shares some truly wonderful stories on her blog, Bitten by the Travel Bug. Nicole’s blog was created for people who don’t fit neatly into a box when we travel. We are adventurers who seek culture, luxury, and adventure as we experience the world. We don’t follow travel trends, we create our own. For us, travel begins the moment we walk out the front door.

Nicole- Bitten by the Travel Bug

Nicole- Bitten by the Travel Bug


9- Jayne- Girl Tweets World

Jayne is living what I like to call ye olde colonial life. A British lady currently living in the distant lands of Sydney, Australia. She’s beautiful in both person and on her blog. One of the friendliest ladies I’ve been fortunate enough to have met on Twitter and connected with at TBEX. She’s openly candid about making her life work as a freelancer and provides brilliant guidance for those wishing to step away from the 9-5 corporate life and embrace the coffee infused freelance life style.

Jayne- Girl Tweets World

Jayne- Girl Tweets World


10-Amanda, Not a Ballerina

Traveller, mother of a one and a social media consultant on the side. Amanda is all about thinking in depth about the places we visit and the reasons as to why we visit. You’ll find her blog full of creative content that spans across  current happenings in her life (and travels with Mr 5) and reflections on that time when she lived abroad. It’s a fascinating juxtaposition on the now and then. Amanda is one of the delightful hosts on the #RTTC Twitter chat.

Amanda0 Not a Ballerina

Amanda-Not a Ballerina


11- Sharon, Where’s Sharon

I personally dislike children and always dread the child on the plane experience. However after becoming familair with Sharon, a fellow Melbourne girl, I’m now a big supporter of parents taking the leap of faith and traveling with their children. If anyone ever claims that once you have children your travel lifestyle is over I happily send them over to Where’s Sharon for a dose of level headed reality.  It’s been fascinating to follow Sharon and the family’s evolution from living in Australia, leaving Australia and returning.

Sharon is also a bit of an SEO queen, recently presenting on this topic at TBEX.

Sharon, Where's Sharon

Sharon, Where’s Sharon

12- Christine, Grrrl Traveler

Survival tips and tricks galore Christine provides a fantastic service to the travel community. GRRRLTRAVELER  is a travel survival and solo travel site, inspiring others to find their GRRR for travel. The site is filled with a lot of lists and guides, which is perfect for those starting out and trying solo travel or those looking to tweak their travel style.

Christine, GRRRL Traveler

Christine, GRRRL Traveler

13- Dawn, The Incidental Tourist

Dawn is a fellow chapter leader of Travel Massive and one smooth souled lady. It was an absolute delight to meet her at TBEX and follow her journey. Based between Cape Town and the Winelands Dawn covers both local and international travel, taking the time to visit at least two new countries each year. All the while offering a truly unique outlook on Africa and South Africa.

Dawn- The Incidential Tourist

Dawn- The Incidental Tourist


14- Allison, Cape Town Diva

Allison is another excellent coffee loving South African lady. Full of natural energy and a passion for life you’ll find her highly entertaining. A Cape Town patriot & a world traveller, inspiring you to explore more.


Allison- Cape Town Diva

Allison- Cape Town Diva



15-Juno, Runaway Juno

A photographer and travel writer from South Korea seeking adventure across the world. What’s not to love? Highlight of this action packed website? Bucket Living! I have a deep hatred of bucket lists, because who wants to sit around and think about all the things that they want to do before they die? Ah not me. Juno has a fabulous section on living your bucket list. Which seems a lot nicer to me.

Juno- Runaway Juno

Juno- Runaway Juno


16- Sabina, Girl vs Globe

Sabina is hilarious and highly interactive. Not one to hide behind her Instagram posts you’ll find her to be sassy, friendly and always up for a laugh over a drink or two. Having an international upbringing and potentitally forced to read the dictionary she’s a wonder with words and some how manages to take stunning photos of herself.

Sabina- Girl vs Globe

Sabina- Girl vs Globe


So there we have it. 16 amazing women, living and loving their passion and inspiring us all. Cheers to you ladies.


Have I missed anyone? Let me know if the comments below.
