Oh May, where did you go? Seriously what happened? We had such grand plans for one another and now you are gone once more. If I thought that April was a whirlwind of shit happening than I had no idea that May would take great pleasure in slapping me in the face with a wet fish. Now that June is here, the juggling games continues an I promise to try my bestest to get all the content to you.
So what the feck happened in May?
I accepted Sydney into my life.
Sydney is still a sore spot for me. As a city, I think we’ve finally come to a comfortable space with one another. Sydney and I are frenemies. I don’t really want to like Sydney. I’m from Melbourne and feel as if I’m committing a mortal sin by saying that I like Sydney. But it’s true. I found myself actually enjoying the city that is Sydney. Now don’t y’all get me wrong here, I’m not on the Sydney wagon and I have no plans to move up north anytime in the future, or ever.

Collaborate don’t hate.
Yup truth bomb right there my friends. Fuck the haters. And that’s a huge shout out to those of you who send me messages, telling me I’m fat, ugly and not wanted. Firstly I’m none of these. And secondly please do continue to read my blog stuff cause I love using your hate to pump up my statistics and continue being a super awesome blogger. YAY for you.
Enough ranting. I was lucky enough to join a group of Melbourne based Mummy-Bloggers at a collaborative photoshoot. If you’re following us on Instagram you would’ve seen the #dollsnottrolls story. It’s still there highlighted if you want to go have a look. It was awesome to not only spend the day getting my glam on but working with a massive group of amazing ladies. From hair and makeup to my new favourite shoes and the friends I’ve made. Proof is in the pudding – collaborate don’t hate.
Taking on the Wilderness of Tasmania
Tasmania is one of Australia’s most magical places to visit. It’s no wonder with the rolling hills, great big green forests and an abundance of delightful creatures. Along with Brittany of the infamous The Sweet Wanderlust we took ourselves on an adventure to Cradle Mountain, spoilt silly at Waldheim Alpine Spa and then lost our minds eating ALL the food between Cradle Mountain Lodge and Launceston. We also got to have a sneak peek into the new Peppers Silo in Launceston, just before launch day. I’m already planning my trip back to the Apple Isle.
Really it was a wonderful express trip and I’ll have loads more photos to show you all. A huge thanks to Peppers Cradle Mountain and The Charles Mantra for hosting us.

And I’ve been desk bound.
Ah the joy of being a freelancer. It doesn’t even sprinkle dollar bills but floods you with a shit tonne of work. Sadly I’ve spent more time inside working on client projects than writing my own content or enjoying the beautiful mountain lifestyle that we’ve decided to live. Which is a great but sucky thing. It’s nice to have funds, especially as I’m off to TBEX this year again. Let’s be honest a trip to Europe from Australia ain’t exactly trip.
Who knows what June will throw my way. For now it’s time for a cup of tea, an afternoon siesta and then off to start the day all over again.

Founder, Principal Blogger & Coffee Drinker
Coffee Lover | Travel Blogger | Horse Rider | Adventure Racer | Donut Dame. Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.