Welcome to the blog
All the places, spaces and stuff we see and do.
The magic of travel
The magic of travel lies within the beauty of the Unknown. The potential of friends to be found. Lovers to be enjoyed. Food to be explored. Coffee to be consumed. I've just spent, what I assume, is the last 23hours in the air flying from Melbourne to London. I've...

Cakes, Coffee and Cats in Bangkok
These are a few of my favourite things* starting with C. I'm not particularly a huge cat fan but their usual 'no fucks given today' attitude does resonate rather well with me. So when fellow Aussies banging around Bangkok mentioned that they wanted to visit a cat cafe...

Banging in Bangkok- how to find your happy ending
Everyone deserves a little bit of happiness every now and again. Personally I think we all deserve to be happy all the time. Which is probably why I'm a gypsy at heart. So I get it. You're on holidays. You've worked really hard to save up the money and take time off...

Tuk tuk vs Walking- What’s the best way to experience unique Bangkok?
It's an age old question- What's the best way to see a different side of a new city? To get off the beaten path and really connect with the locals. To be able to come home and brag that you've have had a truly unique experience and that everyone you know should also...

Celebrating International Coffee Day
Did you know that as of 01 October 2015 we can now celebrate international coffee day? Nope? Well neither did we but I'm sure as hell excited that my favorite non-alcoholic beverage has a day of it's own to be celebrated, loved and honored. If I could buy my coffee a...
Celebrating Oktoberfest in Melbourne
PROST! Can't make it to Munich this year? Don't be too sad because Melbourne throws some of the best Bavarian celebrations this side of the beer hall. It's that great time of year again when the hair is braided, dirndls are dusted off and lederheson are let lose. If...
Hotel review- Mini Hotel Central, Hong Kong
Mini by name, mini by nature. Like my hotel room this post will give you a clean, comfortable and transparent insight into staying at the Mini Hotel Central Hong Kong. Mini Hotel offers 196 stylish and comfy non-smoking rooms at an affordable rate right in the heart...

Glamping Ger style in Mongolia
Glamping in Mongolia? Is that even a thing? Mongolia land of blue skies, rugged horse riders and bandits who eat marmots and get the plague. Glamping here? You can enjoy a wonderful glamping and ecologically friendly experience in the Mongolia wilderness. Whilst I...

Celebrating Nadaam in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
What better way to celebrate turning the big 3-0 than with a stadium packed full with around 20,000 random, happy strangers, a good dose of synchronized communist styled dancing, amazing horse riding AND fully grown men wrestling one another whilst pretending to be...
A peek into horse riding in Mongolia – photo journal.
Mongolia. Wow. Seriously just wow. I've finally returned from my adventures in the Altai with Zavkhan Trekking and am still full of awe, wonder and happiness. When the team at Zavkhan tell you that they organise amazing horse riding adventures in Mongolia they aren't...
Time wisely spent at Ikefukurou Owl Cafe, Tokyo
With less than 24 hours to get a taste of Tokyo time was tight and so was the budget. So much to see and do yet so little time. Spending a valuable hour in an owl cafe seemed like a very legit and adult activity to do in celebration of my big 3-0 birthday. ~Warning~...

How to enjoy 24 hours in Tokyo
Tokyo, the city that never sleeps. It's the perfect city for a quick stop over, eating some delicious food and stocking up on all the kawaii things. Yes, you will soon learn to love vending machines. eating late at night and being super squished on crowded trains. So...

Packing like a Pro-Choosing the right backpack
Backpacks are like underwear-a necessary item to wear that requires a little bit of thought and consideration to ensure maximum comfort and durability. Comfort and suitability are paramount to me when deciding which pack I'll be imitating a turtle with. So like...
Packing like a Pro- First Aid Kit.
Travelling can be a whole lot of fun or a whole lot of heart ache. An organised and properly stocked first aid kit can give you peace of mind in a medical emergency and even in every day occurrences. Being prepared could help you save a life, which may in fact even be...
Packing like a Pro- How do you know what to pack?
There is always that horrifying moment of realisation as you are finally off on an adventure that you remember not packing that thing that you really needed. That thing that was really important and useful and well you were meant to pack it. That thing that you told...