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All the places, spaces and stuff we see and do.
Taking time out at Tunnel Beach, New Zealand

Taking time out at Tunnel Beach, New Zealand

Dunedin is one of New Zealand's most beautiful towns. Without a doubt a visit to Dunedin should be on your New Zealand itinerary. It does have a bit of a reputation as a college town but that shouldn't deter you from visiting. You might be wondering what else is there...

To book or not to book that flight?

To book or not to book that flight?   That is the eternal heart string pulling question that we all ask ourselves. When is the best time to book a flight? It's time for a confession. I'm a bit of an impulse flight booker. The inter webs has enabled this strange...

And we’re back online!

Almost. Getting really close to it. 2015 has already been a huge year for us. There's the usual working days, dog walking days, horse riding days and adventures away. We've spent most of our spare time in January road tripping around Victoria with the dogs. Our...

Movie or Book -Wild, Cheryl Strayed

  Disclaimer: The following post discusses in very brief the recently released movie Wild and excerpts from the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed. There are no major plot spoilers nor twist plots in the below post. If you've seen the trailer for the movie then you've...

We’ll be right back

20-15 is the year of stuff happening. We'll be right back. We're taking a little bit of time out to move and release our new website. Stay tuned for more information on our exciting activities!  

Seasons greetings

Sending seasons greetings to all. And a happy everything! Toby & Milly rocking out some amazing Kaos snow gear!

Snowbunny Sunday- Ski time in Victoria

Winter has arrived. Snow-magedon 1,2 and 3 have arrived with a flurry of happiness. The snow bunnies and bouncy boarders are screaming with joy at the exceptional snow season that Victoria, and Australia in general, has received. From atop the mountains we can hear...

Coffee Lover | Travel Addict | Horse Rider | Donut Lover | Snow Bunny | Sustainable Traveller

Currently in – Melbourne, Australia

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