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All the places, spaces and stuff we see and do.
How to Enjoy A Winter Vacation in Hokkaido Japan

How to Enjoy A Winter Vacation in Hokkaido Japan

When we think of Japan a stunning image of slow dropping cherry blossoms, overlooked by the wonder of Mt Fuji comes to mind.  Without a doubt, the springtime in Japan is utterly gorgeous. But what about the white, snow-filled winter wonderland that Japan becomes?...

2018’s Most Amazing 18 Female Travel Bloggers

2018’s Most Amazing 18 Female Travel Bloggers

Women are kicking ass in the travel blogging world. There’s no doubt about this. In celebration of International Women’s Day we are presenting you with – 2018's Most Amazing 18 Female Travel Bloggers. This is the third year running that we've taken the time out to...

The Importance of Self Care Whilst Travelling

The Importance of Self Care Whilst Travelling

As I’m sitting here in the lounge room, diet coke in hand, and writing this post I’m tired. Actually, in all honesty, I’m exhausted. Since being back home in Australia we haven’t really stopped. Being a full-time blogger is hard work. Travelling for weeks on end is...

The Ultimate Basic Road Trip Packing List

The Ultimate Basic Road Trip Packing List

People wrongly assume that packing for your road trip is either ridiculously easy. Surely one just throws absolutely everything that one may need at any point in the history of forever into the car and off you chug. Ah no. Creating your road trip packing list and...

How to Take an Australian Road Trip into the Mountains

How to Take an Australian Road Trip into the Mountains

Who doesn’t love a great road trip? No one, that’s who! We’re huge fans of packing up the Jeep, grabbing the dogs, hitting the road and seeing where the road will take us. But for a lot of people taking a road trip can be a really daunting task. What to pack, where to...

Are these the best 2018 travel resolutions?

Are these the best 2018 travel resolutions?

January is the month that we are inundated with a plethora of positivity. Positive messages. Faux happy people. New Year - New You. Find the right mindset. If you dream it, it will happen It really does seem as if everyone toss winkle has become a new age, personal...

Cheap and Cheerful Camp Accessories

Cheap and Cheerful Camp Accessories

Camping is the new black. It’s the new hipster activity when we’re not out drinking beetroot lattes, eating smashed avocados and boutique beer brewed by teeny bees. It seems that every bearded man, handbag designer bred dog and faux retro lady are off on a camping...

2017 The Year That We Saw a Lot and Spent a Lot

2017 The Year That We Saw a Lot and Spent a Lot

Ah, it's that most wonderful time of year where we sit down, open another bottle of wine and ponder where did all that time go? Those days? All the late nights. For some unknown reason, we still do struggle to understand that December is here and the year is nearly...

How to Find The Ideal Hotel For Your Budget

How to Find The Ideal Hotel For Your Budget

Finding the perfect hotel can be an unimagined nightmare. Let’s be honest about this. It really isn’t a pleasant experience at all. There are so many booking sites, with just as many review sites to muddle your mind. I personally hate trying to find a hotel that fits...

Why you should travel with your dog

Why you should travel with your dog

Too often when we go on holidays, we automatically leave our pets behind. Whether at a kennel or with family or a pet sitter. We treat organising for them to be looked after the same way as packing a bag: an obvious step before leaving on vacation. Up until recently I...

Coffee Lover | Travel Addict | Horse Rider | Donut Lover | Snow Bunny | Sustainable Traveller

Currently in – Melbourne, Australia

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