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These are a few of my favourite things* starting with C. I’m not particularly a huge cat fan but their usual ‘no fucks given today’ attitude does resonate rather well with me. So when fellow Aussies banging around Bangkok mentioned that they wanted to visit a cat cafe I happy packed my pockets full of cat nip and hoped on the  skytrain to visit Caturday.

Cats and puns? Purrfect!

The Caturday Cafe can be a bit sneaky to find. It’s hidden off the main road, behind a boom gate. When you first see the area it looks like an apartment car park. Rest assured the kitties are here. There’s a few other cafes and eateries here alongside the car park.

One of the perks of Caturday is the walk in service. There’s no need to book mid afternoon mid week but I would try to get a booking for weekends.

The health and well being of the cats is taken quite seriously. On arrival you’re asked to wash your hands and remove shoes.

One you’re inside kitty kingdom you’re shown to a table and given free reign to be a cat slave. Like any good kingdoms there are few rules but those that exist are strictly monitored and enforced.

Note that if you choose to become a cat slave and share your food it’s on your own head. They staff will not replace anything. The staff here are super friendly, helpful and attentive. The cats have them really well trained.

Catalogue of Cats

There’s over 40 kitties in the kingdom. Big ones. Little ones. Ones which look like kitty equivalent of a sausage dog. The Caturday staff allow around 15-20 out in the cafe at any one time. There’s plenty of nooks, boxes and couches for the kitties to sleep in and avoid crazy cat ladies.


strike a pose kitty


This kitty has no care for you


sleepy kitty


Kitty in an urban jungle


Cake & Coffee.

The menu here is really basic and surprisingly pleasant. A few hot dishes, cake, soft drinks and coffee. Everything is reasonably priced for Bangkok. You’re certainly not paying street food prices but its less than Starbucks or Hollys.



Caramel Cat latte


A glorious cake perfect for instagram

All in all Caturday Cafe is one of Bangkoks cutest theme cafes. Reasonably priced, there’s no cover charge and the coffee is worth Instagramming!

Caturday Cat Café can be found by taking the BTS to Ratchathewi. From there head towards exit 2 and take the stairs down to the right. And the bottom of the stairs you’ll need to turn around and walk roughly 10 meters. You’ll see ahead of you on the corner ‘guts’ restaurant. Turn right here, past the car park entrance and continue down until you reach Caturday Cat Café on your left.


10400, 115 Phayathai Rd, Thanon Phetchaburi, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand

Skytrain station- Ratchathewi

Maybe your not that much into cat cafes? That’s ok. Go check out of friend James Nomadic Notes on the best Cafes in Bangkok to Work From


  1. This is so awesome! We’ll go to Bangkok very soon and we love cats so much! Thanks to your article we don’t even need to look for a cat cafe anymore <3 I love that the prices are not overcharged as well, even though I don't mind to pay a bit more if it is for a good cause 🙂

  2. I saw a cat cafe on Silom Road in Bangkok. I didn’t know that there were others !

  3. Yup now I want to go. Thankfully I am going to Bangkok soon so I can squeeze the visit in!! We found cats in other random cafes on our last trip to Bangkok but I don’ think they were meant to be there haha

  4. I am not a cat person myself but this seems like a fun place to experiment and take kids along. Honestly, I would have never expected Bkk to have such an awesome pet themed place. Glad you enjoyed the food as well. Thanks for sharing …will add to an experience in Bkk when I visit next!

  5. I heard about cat cafes in Japan but had no idea they made it to Bangkok. I like that they take care of the cats. Even the signs with the rules is cute.

  6. These seem to be becoming very popular at the moment. I have never been to one but I bet they are great to go and visit. I love cats so next time I am in bangkok I will be there.

  7. I will be in Bangkok this year with my girlfriend and visiting a place like this is her dream.We had heard of these Cafes but it’s the first time I took the time to read an article about one and I have to say that I’m now pretty keen on the idea of visiting this place too.All those kitties look so cute!

  8. What a fun and quirky concept for a cafe. When I was planning a trip to Bangkok, a friend of mine recommended this to me. Sadly, wasn’t able to go there. But it looks fun and a must-try – that cake does look glorious!

  9. This is SO up my street!!! I love cats, and I haven’t even managed to get to the cat cafe in London yet, which I definitely will soon. I love their no fucks given attitude too, and with 3 of my own I can assure you this is absolutely what they are like! That rainbow cake looks amazing!

  10. Cat Cafe’s are so much fun. I went in Phuket and Chaing Mai and enjoyed both of them very much. The cats were so happy and cute. We miss our fur babies at home get getting a little kitten up on the road helped us keep going.

  11. Wow this is awesome I never knew this was in Bangkok despite having travelled there six times! I know Bangkok had some pretty crazy cafes like the Unicorn Cafe, but I think the Cat Cafe tops that! Although I’m not a cat person either, I’d love to experience this next time Im in Bangkok! Happy Travels!

    • Oh the unicorn cafe? Off to google that!

  12. Oh wow – this seems like an absolute must if heading to Bangkok. I’ve heard about cat cafes but never heard of anyone going to one. After reading your post, I gotta say it looks as amazing as it sounds. Sooo much fun and awesome that you got to experience it. Peanut butter cookie, btw 😉

    • I think so Natasha!



  1. Banging in Bangkok- How to find a happy ending - […] kitty wants to be your friend. I had a great afternoon session rolling around with the kitties of Caturday…

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