For the love of coffee – traveller tales

For the love of coffee – traveller tales

For the love of coffee! Sweet, delicious, hot beverage. A gift from the Gods above to us humble people down here. A savior for many freelancers, travel writters and the average person. I really love coffee. We really do live the lifestyle of our motto – Eat...
Embrace Winter- A road trip around New Zealand

Embrace Winter- A road trip around New Zealand

There’s a certain serene beauty about winter. Not only is it a wondrous time to spend the month of July celebrating my birthday it also offers the adventurer a whole new arena to play in. This year we (ok it’s me) decided to change our usual winter habits and embrace...
Next stop- Return to the Philippines

Next stop- Return to the Philippines

It really is more fun in the Philippines and there was no way I could say no to a return visit to the Philippines this October. My last trip was far too short and I barely got to experience the mayhem of Manila past a trip from the airport to Hotel Jen and back again....
Oops! I made a travel mistake

Oops! I made a travel mistake

As much we we don’t like to admit it we all make mistakes. Horrendous. soul destroying, embarrassing kind of mistakes. There is seemingly this illusion that as travel writers/bloggers/vloggers/influencers that we live in a perfect utopia world where we get to...