Walk with me and learn to love London

Walk with me and learn to love London

It’s time for a confession. No priest needed just yet but a confessional session none the less. Here it goes. I love London. Unconditionally, heart breaking love you London. I love you free museums, you’re full of pretty parks, sneaky squirrels, reasonably...
Cakes, Coffee and Cats in Bangkok

Cakes, Coffee and Cats in Bangkok

These are a few of my favourite things* starting with C. I’m not particularly a huge cat fan but their usual ‘no fucks given today’ attitude does resonate rather well with me. So when fellow Aussies banging around Bangkok mentioned that they wanted...

Celebrating Oktoberfest in Melbourne

PROST! Can’t make it to Munich this year? Don’t be too sad because Melbourne throws some of the best Bavarian celebrations this side of the beer hall. It’s that great time of year again when the hair is braided, dirndls are dusted off and lederheson...