Traveling Honeybird is based in Melbourne, Australia. We’re always looking for the next great client and project. If you’d to be considered as a suitable partner to work with us, please get in touch.
Feel free to complete this form or send us a carrier pigeon with more details on how much you love us or if you would like to work with us. Make sure you’ve read a little bit about the rules around Working With Us first.
Currently, we are accepting proposals on;
- Press and Media Trips ~ If you have a destination, attractions, restaurant or event you would like covered on Traveling Honeybird please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
- Brand Ambassadorships ~ We love working with amazing brands on a long-term basis.
- Brand-Blogger engagement and education consulting
- Sponsored Posts/Social Media
- Conference Sponsorship
A friendly note on affiliate programs and sponsored content. Sadly we are not a charity. We are not here to work for free for your start up. Even if it is a seriously great product but you don’t have any budget right now. Please take a moment to consider your proposition before contacting us. Is it far? Will your brand/product suit our audience? Are you able and willing to negotiate like a pirate to get this deal to work? This will ensure that you don’t walk away sad in the pants if we decide not to work with you or your brand.
We love working with companies that represent and align with our values – Eat Well, Travel Often, Drink Coffee.
Want to have your email deleted? Here’s a sure fire way to have a fabulous travel blogger delete your email.
We do not accept unsolicited messages for SEO/Instagram or similar dodgy as ducks nuts services, nor do we accept guest posts. I repeat, we do not accept guest posts.
Before you contact us please do yourself a favour and take note of these fun business things –
I do not accept guest posts. This is non-negotiable
I do not pay to try out you service. This is non-negotiable
I do not accept sneaky marketing companies trying to get a back link. Pay for advertising like an adult.
I do not eat olives. They are disgusting
If you have a great product, hotel or service offering, have read and understood are minimum rates are $350 USD then please do email our team over at travelinghoneybird @ gmail (.) com to start the negotiations.