Staying in hostels can be a really great way to travel. It’s a great way to meet new friends, save some money and see some very unique things. For a lot of first-time travellers staying in a hostel can be truly daunting. It’s easy to survive your first hostel stay by following our simple rules.
Now the below guide assumes that you are truly on a budget and are about to experience the joy of a shared dormitory. You and maybe up to 20 new friends are about to try to share a magical night together. There will be new smells and sounds like you’ve never experienced before. Don’t let your first hostel stay become a backpacking mistake.
Lock It Up Sweet Heart
Sadly hostels are notorious for things and stuff to go missing. Seemingly your personal items will grow a set of legs and decide to move on to a better life with another person. The best idea is to have a simple lock on your bag and a second lock for lockers. Many hostels don’t provide locks for your locker.

Black out
Don’t forget to pack your eye mask. Trust me that you’ll want to learn how to block out certain sights when you’re sharing a dorm room. There’s usually one twat who will turn on the lights at a time that you’re almost fully asleep.
Put A Plug In It
Your ears that is. Dorm rooms can be notoriously noisy. Even when everyone is sleeping. Some people snore, some people fart and others talk the night away. A sturdy pair of ear plugs or some noise cancelling headphones work wonders.

Pants On Party!
A dorm room is no place to play the pants off party game. Put your pants back on ladies and gents. It may seem simple requirement but seriously no one needs to see your penis. Especially not first thing in the morning when your drunk ass is hanging out and your flaccid penis is waving itself around looking for a friend. Now, ladies if you really don’t want to see any penis than I’d suggest getting yourself a female only dorm.
Don’t get bugged
Hopefully you’ve chosen a great hostel. One that is clean and care free. Sadly bugs do move in. Bed bugs that is. These nasty little feckers can really ruin your trip. When you arrive in your room don’t be afraid to strip back the sheets and look for the little bugs. You might not see the bugs themselves but you will see signs that they have been there. Like bed bug poop. Little specks of red blood is a sure fire sign that bed bugs are abound. If you do happen to stay somewhere that has bed bugs you need to wash all your things in super hot water to kill the bugs. And spray your bag! You don’t want to give these free loaders a free ride to your next destination.

Keep to yourself
Well your bed that is. Seriously hostel are amazing places to make friends but the best way to make enemies is to steal someone else’s bed. Beds are assigned for a reason. It may feel like your back in highschool but it’s some days easier to keep the peace. Also keep your hands off other people. no one wants to bunk next to a handy Andy.
Cleanliness is next to hostel Godliness.
Keeping your bits and pieces clean is a vital hostel to do. From washing up your dishes to washing down there. It’s easy to get lazy but just because you’re on vacay doesn’t mean that your personal hygiene can lapse. So soap up, scrub up and enjoy that freshly brushed teeth feeling. Your new friends will appreciate it.
Do Thy Dishes
Now unless your mum is travelling with you, than it is 100% your responsibility to do your own dishes. Whether you cooked for yourself or just used a few bits and pieces it’s still your responsibility to wash up.
Don’t Be A Hostel Power Plug Piggy
Hostels can go either one of two ways when it comes to power points. There’s plenty for all or there’s one per room. So don’t be a power plug piggy. Charging ten things off of one point. It’s a great way to annoy your fellow roommates and also to find your stuff has been stolen. If you can travel with a battery power pack. That way if there is limited power points charge your pack and then charge all your things off your power pack.
No One Cares To Listen To You
Well, your phone conversation that is. My biggest pet peeve when in a hostel is people on their phones in a shared space. The common areas and the shared dorm rooms. When a person hasn’t got headphones in. Or the person who’s having an arguement with BAE on WhatsApp and all you can hear is the DING DING DING of notifications coming in. And finally please for your own safety do not make a phone call home in a dorm room, when there is a significant time difference.
Get your lazy ass out of bed and go find a quiet space.

And don’t forget to smile.
Being in a hostel for the first time can be really daunting. It’s easy to hide away behind your phone or a dodgy book from the communal library. A simple smile can really open up a world of opportunities and help you make new friends.
If you’d like a try a new hostel but don’t know where to book has quite a few on offer. To help you out here’s a free $25 voucher! Spend it wisely.

Founder, Principal Blogger & Coffee Drinker
Coffee Lover | Travel Blogger | Horse Rider | Adventure Racer | Donut Dame. Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.

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Travellers are some of the most financially savvy people you will ever meet. Have you ever wondered how people afford to travel, invest & drink take away coffee?