What is a bento box?
The bento box itself was considered a piece of art, to be proudly displayed.

Enjoying a bento box making class in Tokyo

Now I’ve been a huge fan of My Neighbour Totoro since a 4yo made me watch it on a road trip to Sydney many years ago. If you’ve not heard of Totoro then you need to educate yourself ASAP! So you really can’t understand how enjoyable this class was for me living all my childhood dreams. As I rolled rice, squished it and crafted some delicious kawaii bento box glory.

If you’d like to take a chance at making your own bento box here’s the Totoro Bento Box recipe.
The importance of a kawaii bento box.

How to book your very own bento box class & who is Traveling Spoon?
Final Thoughts on making a charaben bento box

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Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.
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Some very creative dishes there – love it!!
I had so many bento boxes in Japan but never thought of doing a cooking class to make my own! Guess now I have another reason to go back to Japan!