The magic of making momos in Kathmandu
What exactly is a Nepalese momo?
Cook like a local – A momo making class with SocialTours in Thamel, Kathmanu

After deciding what amazing dish to cook you’ll be taken on an adventure through the city market to purchase the fresh ingredients to make the momos. It’s a great chance to ask your guide all the questions about food in Nepal. When you return to The Hub kitchen the hard work begins. All the cooking goodness happens. There’s chopping of vegetables. Stirring the pot. Rolling the dough. And the most important part – the creating the parcel of pure happiness that is the momo.
Then you get to eat the momos. All the delicious momos that you’ve hand crafted.
The class takes around 3 hours from start to finish. So what did I do whilst everyone else was off shopping and cooking the momos? I drank coffee, I ate cake and I took some me time to chill out. And I took a lot of photos.

How much does the Cook Like a Local class cost?
When should you partake in a momo cooking class?

What else is there to do at The.Hub
Will we see you at a momo making class?

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Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.
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