Five photos to inspire your adventure to Mongolia
Mongolia is a beautifully vast land. Filled with natural beauty, raw rugged landscapes, vast emotions and a nomadic culture that thrives on truly wonderful people. Mongolia has been on the hot spot list of places to travel to in recent years. After a short visit to...

Misadventures in the Mongolian Mountains
The sun was shining. It was a blue bird day, with not a cloud in the sky. Mongolia was really living up to her name as the country of blue skies. Teddi, my trusty little chestnut Mongolian pony and I, were happily off on another days riding adventure. We happily...

Glamping Ger style in Mongolia
Glamping in Mongolia? Is that even a thing? Mongolia land of blue skies, rugged horse riders and bandits who eat marmots and get the plague. Glamping here? You can enjoy a wonderful glamping and ecologically friendly experience in the Mongolia wilderness. Whilst I...

Celebrating Nadaam in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
What better way to celebrate turning the big 3-0 than with a stadium packed full with around 20,000 random, happy strangers, a good dose of synchronized communist styled dancing, amazing horse riding AND fully grown men wrestling one another whilst pretending to be...
A peek into horse riding in Mongolia – photo journal.
Mongolia. Wow. Seriously just wow. I've finally returned from my adventures in the Altai with Zavkhan Trekking and am still full of awe, wonder and happiness. When the team at Zavkhan tell you that they organise amazing horse riding adventures in Mongolia they aren't...