Next stop is a place I’ve never been to before. A place that many young Australians go to. A place full of fake boobs, bad tattoos and gluten free donuts. What magical land am I off to? The Gold Coast. Commonly touted as Australia’s own Bali/Ibiza. With less prestige and more expensive drinks. I’ve always avoided heading up north and exploring here opting instead for anywhere else.
Why’s that? Well I don’t really feel the need for fake boobs or bad tattoos. I’ve always rationalised that a $3,000 dodgy boob job could easily be a $3,000 amazing RTW ticket. As an adult it’s important to make these tough life decisions. I choose travel. Not boobs.
Recently a very close, wonderful friend of mine made the decision to take her love* of boobs and hatred of the Melbourne winter and move up to the Gold Coast. So when the opportunity finally arose for a ladies long weekend away, free accommodation and a free designated driver how could I possibly say no? I couldn’t and here we are planning for a Gold Coast adventure.
*Just a note. Her love of boobs wasn’t the main factor for moving. Though in her role as a medical employee she does see a lot of boobs. The bad boobs. Boobs from foreign countries, performed by less than desirable doctors.
Where is the Gold Coast?
The Gold Coast is approximately 60mins drive south from Brisbane, on the east coast of Australia. The Gold Coast is one of Australia’s fastest growing cities. With a current population over 500,000.
Fun facts about the Gold Coast
- 5,000 Km2 in size
- 70 Km of coastline
- 270 Km of waterways.
- Average of 300 days of sunshine every year

Things I’m looking forward to
Discovering new places for coffee
Walking along the beach at sunset. Or sunrise.
Going for a hike amongst some of Australia’s most magnificent rain forests.
Eating my way around Miami Marketta

Tips, Tricks, Must Do’s
Let me know in the comments below if you have any tips, tricks or must do’s for me while I’m swanning around the Gold Coast,

Founder, Principal Blogger & Coffee Drinker
Coffee Lover | Travel Blogger | Horse Rider | Adventure Racer | Donut Dame. Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.
Just a little FYI- this article was written in partnership with me and me! Any and all views and opinions expressed are entirely my own based on personal experiences when traveling and are honest and factual without any bias. There are no spammy whore affiliate links here. Any links to websites are for your help only.