Turning 30 is supposed to be scarey. It’s supposed to be that magical turning point in your life when you realize you’ve made it or you haven’t. By this time you are supposed to have like a million lists and half a million things ticked off those lists. Well I do love a list or ten I will confess. On a better confession, turning 30 and the travel I’ve done these past months have been more satisfying than crossing any thing of any list.
Let’s start off with one of those magical lists. A quick google will give you oh about 30 million Must Do Lists.
Things I didn’t do before turning 30 (also could be named Things I didn’t do since turning 30)
- Get married
- Buy a house
- Ride an elephant
- Make a baby
- Loose 10 pounds
- Move to a new city
- Learn another language
- Run a marathon
- Find my passion/niche/excuse to be me.
I’d much more prefer to celebrate the amazing things I’ve done since turning the big, dreaded 3-0. As I say farewell to 30 and hello to 31 here’s a short reflection on the amazing year of travel and embracing getting old.
In true Jeanette style I celebrated turning 30 in Mongolia with the entire country during Nadaam.

I also discovered in Mongolia how terrified I am of heights, China and wet under wear.

I returned from Mongolia and was made redundant from my dream job. Which I loved.
So off I went and attended my very first TBEX. Where not only did I meet some truly wonderful people I also meet some total dicks.
I even wrote a post on tips & tricks to try and educate those people. #DontBeADick
Took myself on an express Euro-trip!
I love London. Unconditionally, heart breaking love you London. I love you free museums, you’re full of pretty parks, sneaky squirrels, reasonably priced yet exceptionally good quality coffee and most importantly I loved walking your streets. Day and night I walked amongst you and your people.

Danced the night away in Downtown Copenhagen. And then spent the next day playing tender headed tourist.
Arrived in Aarhus for an express visit with my little sister. We powered through, had dinner, got drunk, debated politics, saw the deer and ate stroople waffles.

I found myself in Finland working with the most wonderful people at the Helsinki Foundation. I also snuck in horse riding and drinking champagne. Really failed on the taking photos part though.
I also experienced my first major flight delay and the joys of dealing with an EU carrier. In the end I did receive around $550 AUD in compensation. I also tested out late night Uber drivers as I caught an Uber from Gatwick to London and arrived at 3am. I;m eternally grateful to my friend and host Marius for helping me out!

James and I relaxed like royalty in the King Valley and enjoyed exploring a semi-local area to us. It’s amazing what you can find when you just go adventuring.
I discovered the madness and magical of Myanmar. Which in all honesty go hand in hand. On a whim I booked flights and was so lucky to have travelled with Ryan from Lost Boy Memoirs and his funny friend Zac.
Words can’t truly describe the beauty of the ancient city of Bagan. The entire country was magical, beautiful and just waiting to explored. Maybe these photos will speak a thousand words to you and inspire you to go there. Now.

And then I got to go on not one but TWO unexpected trips with some pretty amazing bloggers.
Unexpected trip number one was off to explore the stunning area of Raja Ampat, the Amazon of the Ocean

Funnily enough confirmation of unexpected trip number 2 came via email on the plane home from Indonesia. A wonderful email to let me know that I was off to explore the Philippines. Is it more fun in the Philippines? Yes! Yes it is my friends. I’ll be heading back for TBEX Asia 2016.

I followed my heart and relied on my dreams to take me on as many adventures as I could reasonably finance. This was by far my most travelled year.
Japan, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Thailand, London, Denmark, Finland, Singapore, Myanmar, Indonesia, Phillipines and at last New Zealand!
So happy 31st birthday to me! Who knows what wonders, adventures and friends I’ll make over the next 12 months. Fingers crossed it involves a sneaky trip to South America.
Just a little FYI- Any and all views and opinions expressed are entirely my own based on personal experiences when travelling and are honest and factual without any bias. Except my own personal amazing bias and sass which I can’t hide