Lessons from Jean

Sassy lessons which ultimately have one outcome - educating you #dontbeadick
Australian Bush Fire Donation Tally

Australian Bush Fire Donation Tally

I’ve pledged all Traveling Honeybird funds for December and January to support those affected by the Australian Bush Fire disasters. This article shows you were the money is going and how much is being sent to those who really need it. As well as telling you how you can help out.

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No Fly July

No Fly July

What happens when travel blogger decides that they don’t want to travel anymore? Join me for No Fly July and make a difference in the world. Or just come and laugh at me.

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How I Make Money as a Travel Blogger

How I Make Money as a Travel Blogger

Money. It doesn’t buy our happiness but it does buy some really vital things like a roof over our head, food on the table and flights. Things which have the potential to ultimately lead to happiness dependant on how one spends the money that they have earnt. Now,...

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The drama of travelling with your period

The drama of travelling with your period

It’s kinda like the friend that you wished no one had ever invited to a party. That one friend that you don’t actually want to admit to all your friends that you hate but you’re occasionally relived when it comes to visit. Now without a doubt your period is playing a...

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Finding Yourself while Losing Yourself

Finding Yourself while Losing Yourself

In 2015, I was lost. Completely and utterly lost. It was the most ridiculous of situations that I had managed to find myself in. In Beijing, with not a word of the local language under my belt, a map that I couldn’t understand and a bag full of unhelpful...

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How to Dress for TBEX

How to Dress for TBEX

It's that wonderful time of year when travel bloggers, influencers and content creators alike flock to a destination to attend TBEX. Now if you aren't aware this is one of the world's largest travel blogger conferences and it attracts attendees from legit around the...

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How to Survive Travelling as a Couple

How to Survive Travelling as a Couple

Travelling as a couple is a unique journey where you are constantly flowing from pleasure to extreme pain. From love to a depth of hatred that you didn't know you had within you. Travel with your significant other can certainly test the boundaries of any relationship....

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The Mayhem of May

The Mayhem of May

Oh May, where did you go? Seriously what happened? We had such grand plans for one another and now you are gone once more. If I thought that April was a whirlwind of shit happening than I had no idea that May would take great pleasure in slapping me in the face with a...

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Dealing with travellers tummy

Dealing with travellers tummy

Everybody poops. It’s a basic fact of life. And one of the more curious body functions that the average travellers spends far more time investigating then what any of us would like to admit. No matter how hardy a traveller you claim to be at some point in time you...

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Coffee Lover | Travel Addict | Horse Rider | Home Baker | Sustainable Traveller

Currently in – Melbourne, Australia

In the year of our Lord & Saviour Chappell Roan I am currently based in Melbourne Australia.

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