2023 Update – Guest posts are not being accepted.
International & domestic travel – We currently have several international and domestic trips booked for the first half of 2023 and are inviting expressions of interest from relevant parties to work with.
If you would like to discuss a hosted stay and are based in Melbourne and Regional Victoria please get in contact. I am currently offering very discounted rates for local businesses, as low as $175.
I am currently accepting proposals around product reviews and such fun things that can be done at home.
The best way to see what I am currently up to is to follow along on Instagram – Traveling Honeybird Instagram
Want to have your email deleted? Here’s a sure fire way to have a fabulous travel blogger delete your email.
We do not accept unsolicited messages for SEO/Instagram or similar dodgy as ducks nuts services, nor do we accept guest posts. I repeat, we do not accept guest posts.
Before you contact us please do yourself a favour and take note of these fun business things –
I do not accept guest posts. This is non-negotiable
I do not pay to try out you service. This is non-negotiable
I do not accept sneaky marketing companies trying to get a back link. Pay for advertising like an adult.
I do not eat olives. They are disgusting and should never be eaten.
If you have a great product, hotel or service offering, have read and understood that there are minimum rates.
We are open to working partnerships with brands that reflect our core values
Eat Well – Travel Often- Drink Coffee.
Our content is directed toward curious new travellers and seasoned travel veterans alike. Our aim is to inspire people of all genders, ages and abilities to leave the couch and explore. Whether that is locally or internationally. Here at Traveling Honeybird we are committed to sharing helpful travel advice in the most engaging and entertaining way possible.
Working with travel bloggers is a creative way to deliver a unique promotion of a brand or destination and see immediate results through social media and blog articles. You may already know that creative blogging and social media is considered to be one of the most prolific and effective ways to build an engaging relationship with customers, creating an opportunity for genuine and tangible interaction with your company, services, or establishment.
If you would like to reach an engaged audience in a creative manner we should have a light-hearted chat.
Some of the services on offer are:
- Creative content collaborations
- Contests
- Instagram take overs
- Content for your blog or social media channels
- Twitter chats
- Product reviews
- Press trips
Please take a moment to consider your proposition before contacting us. Please ensure that you have considered your budget and are willing to pay a reasonable rate for the services provided. Sadly exposure alone will kill us and can’t be used to buy fun things like food.
Will your brand/product suit our audience? Are you able and willing to negotiate like a pirate to get this deal to work? This will ensure that you don’t walk away sad in the pants if we decide not to work with you or your brand.
Why work with Jean?
Well I’ve been doing this content creation thing for a long time. I started in 2011 and over the years have fine tuned my art form. I didn’t jut quit my job in a vain attempt to get free shit and travel the world. No, I have a back ground in business development and still do quite a lot of contract work in helping business fine tune their processes and become more efficient in their ways. I also mentor quite a few bloggers and am well connected within the travel community. So rest assured you are working with an experienced business woman, and not some young Insta-star wannabe getting her butt out for likes.
What’s the cost of working with an awesome travel blogger and content creator like Jean?
Rather than throw out random numbers, we prefer to collaborate with you and create a bespoke package depending on your product and/or service. But we know that this won’t satisfy your curiosity so we decided to put in our ball park figures for your consideration. Each project is discussed, invoiced and must be paid before any content creation takes place.
Economy – $170 USD
Basic as a pumpkin spice latte. This package gets you an article on Traveling Honeybird.
Premium Economy – $300 USD
Oh big spender. Perhaps you’re after a blog post from us and a little bit of an Instagram shout out? You’ll get some serious Insta-stories from Jean, as well as a blog post and some lovin’ on Facebook & Twitter.
Business Class – $500 USD
So you want a double shot of goodness. At a minimum you will get a dedicated blog post – including paid promotion on Facebook – 1x Instagram post just for you, stories and something a little special in our monthly newsletter.
First class – $1200 USD
Oh wow, whip out the black Amex cause you’re ready for a ride. We have some very specific and special deals for our First Class partners. Please contact Jean to discuss in detail what you get. Yes there is champagne involved.
The above costings are a guideline only and do not include travel costs, coffee allowance of any of the other fun stuff that costs us money to work with you. For a solid quote please do make contact with us via the form below.
Here’s a few examples of who we’ve worked with
SiloStay New Zealand – Peppers Cradle Mountain Lodge – Glamping Hub – Trundle ABBA Festival – Adelphi Hotel – Czech Tourism
Will we join your affiliate program? TLDR ; No.
You’ll notice that this website has a significant lack of affiliate links. Which I know is rare for a travel blog website. Whilst I am happy to consider any reasonable request for affiliate programs please note that I do not enter into these programs without first thoroughly trying, testing and exploring your product. And no, we don’t pay for the pleasure of trying, testing and exploring your product for review onto this website.
Our Values
We are changing the world by changing how we travel.
We take pride in bringing our own water bottles, coffee cups and cutlery.
We want to see the beauty of nature kept beautiful and raw for future generations.
We don’t eat olives.
We believe in equal rights for all. We love and support our LGTBQI community members.
We are pro-choice. The right to choose to control your own body is a human right for all.
We believe every single travel experience should have a positive impact on our world
Who Do We Work With?
Here is a very small sample of some of the amazing brands that we have worked over the past 9 years.

So who are our amazing readers?
The gender identity of our audience
- Female readers 42%
- Male readers 58%
The age of our audience
- 18 – 24 9%
- 25-34 47%
- 35-44 17%
- 45 – 65+ 26%
Love to read about
- Coffee 32%
- Travel – hotels 19%
- Destination guides 25%
- Business travel 10%
- Flight reviews and sassy comments 14%
Top reader locations
- USA 26%
- Australia 20%
- United Kingdom 10%
- Canada, India, Thailand. Peu & Chile 44%